(W/c Mon 10th march): natureland is open everyday this week!
Our alpacas are on-site at Natureland from April to November. During the winter months, they move to an off-site paddock, which allows the field at Natureland to be maintained and the grass to regrow.
There are two breeds of alpaca:
The Suri and the Huacaya (pronounced wa-ky-ya). The Huacaya has a woolly, dense, crimped fleece — like a teddy bear. The Suri has fibre that grows long and forms silky dreadlocks.
Our Alpacas are Huacaya and their names are Lucky and Endeavor! Endeavour is our biggest and greediest alpaca, and has the number 12 on the tag in his ear. He is very boisterous likes to keep our keepers on their toes! Lucky tends to hang back more than Endeavour as he is a little more timid, but still has a big appetite! Lucky has the number 11 on the tag in his ear.
tag #SkegnessNaturland